I have NO time to write as I have a busy work day and a busy play night ahead, but I want to alert you all to a campaign I’ve started on www.thepoint.com.   There is a lot to this story, but let me get to the pith.  Goodyear screwed over a woman, Lilly Ledbetter, then got out of it on a legal loophole (she’s not the only one, but she has become the poster child).  I’m looking for 10,000 + supporters to boycott Goodyear by Mother’s Day until Goodyear makes good on the disparity.

I’ll post a full story with links tomorrow morning.  For now,

  • you can read about the campaign here.
  • you can join the campaign here
  • you can digg the campaign here

And of course, you can really really help by passionately spreading the word via any and all social tools you use.  Telephone, word of mouth, social bookmarking, Facebook, Myspace, and your blogs!!  Of course, your blogs!  Please help me out in making a difference, in letting corporations know they can buy out policy makers, they can hide behind lawyers and legal loopholes, but they can never hide from consumers.

If you know nothing else about this, know that Ledbetter asked only for $60,000 in the beginning.  She was trying to be fair.  More than Goodyear did.