Because if you’re online AT ALL, you can’t avoid it.  It’s one thing if there’s a product out there, and sure I don’t mind if they spend some money on advertising because even if I don’t want their product, someone else might, or I might change my mind later, and it’s good to know what’s out there.  But when you come on to MY turf and bombard me with your product again and again, it’s ANNOYING.  Here I am, changing my blog real estate, paying for my own nice digs, and now that I’m just settling in, ready to do some decorating, feeling good, what do I get?  Up to 5 long-a** spam porn comments a day.   It’s annoying.  It’s more than annoying, it’s disturbing.  And to be quite honest, it’s reminiscent of how the tobacco industry behaved for a very long time.  Peddling their product while sending us the message that everyone was doing it, that all the cool cats were smoking, and no harm was being done.  They never mentioned the addiction.  They never mentioned the disease.  The tobacco industry single-handedly changed our culture, and if anyone objected, cautioned, or even tried to tell the truth, they were considered to be uptight.  The top players in the tobacco industry knew long before we did that what they were selling was harmful, but that didn’t matter to the bottom line.  They infiltrated our psyche in magazines, newspapers, television and movies.  It wasn’t just the advertisements either.  They knew full well if they got actors to smoke, they would not only hook the actors, they would hook the masses.

The porn industry already has more money than God.  Why do they need to try to break into my comments on MY blog?  Why bother with my humble little blip in the universe?  They’ve already secured magazines, books, television, and Hollywood in general.  They already own more internet real estate than most industries combined.  They’ve got people talking and acting like porn is just a normal everyday part of life.  They’ve managed to drive labiaplasty to be the largest growing form of plastic surgery.  What more?   Sexual stimulation rewards the dopamine pathway.  The addiction highway.  The internet delivered by computer is as close to a Skinner Box environment as you could create outside a lab.  Directly reward the dopamine pathway with a click, increase the stimulus with each click, and you’ve got yourself some pretty slick conditioning right there.  So when they send out millions of spam comments, emails, popups, whatever, they know that for every X number of people that ignore or delete, Y number won’t be able to resist having just one look.  “Just one look” at porn is like trying to eat one french fry.  Practically impossible.  The porn industry knows it, and just like the tobacco industry got the majority of an entire culture to get hooked on its product, so too will the porn industry continue to spam my blog and everyone else until they’ve hooked as many people as they can.

Someday the studies will come out and the porn industry will be saying, “whoops, my bad”.

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