There are corners in my mind reserved for you and it makes me wonder, “how many corners can a mind have?” My mind is a polyhedron and you occupy so many corners it has to keep expanding.

At a meeting, she sits across from me, careful not to look anyone directly in the eyes. Diminutive in stature, she pulls into herself so tightly I half-expect her to implode and I can’t take my eyes away for fear I might miss it. I imagine the sound effect; a small sucking noise followed by a small *pop*. I can imagine that, but I can’t imagine what would be left in her place. Perhaps nothing more than a little vortex of dust stirred up by tiny implosion.

There are things I’m avoiding today. Not any one thing in particular. Wanting to avoid life altogether, as though I could check out just for a day. Reboot tomorrow. Sleep is not the same as being totally shut down, and it makes me jealous of my computer. Sleep doesn’t seem rest enough. The body and mind rage on, even in sleep.

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