When did America forget how to spell? I am amazed at the number of semi-professional websites out there with spelling errors in almost every sentence. Last night, after browsing a designer’s website and feeling pretty inspired and somewhat intimidated, I went to his “ideas” page. Three paragraphs chock full of spelling errors. Some that could be dismissed as typos, but others were just downright embarrassing! I felt compelled to contact him and beg him to fix the errors that, for me, detracted so strongly from any idea of professionalism I might have at first respected him for. His artistic work was pure genius!

My own children seem to think spelling is for nerds and old people (like myself apparently). In the age of internet communication, who needs correct spelling? That’s their philosophy, and sadly it echos through an entire generation.

Just take a little browse through some random blogs, or personal websites…you’ll be horrified, I’m sure.

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