** “This Week’s Etsy Find” will be a weekly feature as of this very moment. Yep, I just decided, so if you want to get your etsy fix, you’ll know to come back here every Monday morning for Velvet Verbosity’s ultra-hip and tasteful finds.

For those of you not in the know, Velvet Verbosity just got a new laptop for work so that I can be mobile. Two teens demand a lot of moving around and at work we decided it would be worth it for me to be able to have a mobile office.

I chose a nifty sleeve for my Macbook Pro from the Apple Store Online. It’s nice. It’s red. I like red. But it just doesn’t have that umph, that “heeey, how YOU doin?”, that “do you know what’s inside here?”, that *POP*. It’s just…red. And padded.

That’s why I fell in love with these designs by Janine King. Sleeves, totes and briefcases, take your pick. I personally like the sleeves because they come with a handle.

I like this retro look.

I think this last one is my favorite. What do you think?

P.S. I want to come up with a catchy name for this weekly review. Ideas? Shoot me some.

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