Well folks, in anticipation of wild fame and fortune, I’ve decided to move this site to its own domain with hosting and everything. Trouble is, now I need to actually know something about how websites make it to being live, and how templates work, and how to FTP, and how to not pull my hair out in fistfuls.

Oh, and I’ll also have to export all my entries from here and my previous blog to the new site, set up Google Analytics, Google Adsense, and Google Webmaster Tools for the new site. I’ll likely lose traffic initially, and will also lose technorati ranking, and on and on and on. That’s why I’m making the decision to move now. Before these losses would be too great. I’m sure if I was more tech-savvy I’d be able to do all this without much of a problem, but since I’m a luddite, I guess I’ll be starting from scratch in essence.

Still, I’m stoked that I now have my own email with my own domain. As the young’uns at Yale say, “That’s CLUTCH!”. Whatever that means. You’ll now be able to email me at velvetverbosity at velvetverbosity dot com.

And even though I’m going to have to start over, I’ll be able to play with the design, the font, the layout, and make my very own BANNER! Don’t ask me why this is so exciting, but I guess it’s slightly akin to buying your first piece of furniture in your very first apartment. Remember that?

Once I get past all the technical obstacles, you’ll be the first to know. I plan to be a little more focused now that I’ll have to be paying someone to write. Look for more 100 Words writing prompts and submissions (that means YOU!), more photography (now if only I can find my battery charger), more verve, and just more more more. I’m also considering starting a new blog on one of my biggest passions, neuroscience and neuroethics. THAT should be fun!

The site won’t be ready for a few days at least, a week at most. I hope to still have some hair left, and a little money left over for food for me and the children. Oh, yeah, and I’ll have a paypal bucket for donations to help me out with the hosting costs. The goal is to get enough for the first year of hosting at least. That would be a blessing!

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