What a comical ride life is sometimes.  It took Herculean efforts to work with the cable company to get our office back online.  I’m so far behind in work now, AGAIN.  Sigh.  I need a vacation.

Today I worked from a local cafe so that I could at least send and receive email.  As I was tip-tapping on the keyboard,  a random (but friendly) guy approached me to ask me how I like my MacBook Pro.  Poor guy.  Had no idea what he was getting into.  My first response when people ask me this question (it happens fairly frequently) is to look at them like they’re mad.  Are they kidding?  OF COURSE I like my MBP!  What kind of question is that?  It’s like seeing me drive up in a Porsche and asking me if I like my car when I step out.

Then I remember myself and the fact that, no, the whole world has not yet converted to Macs.  I looked at him and smiled, my eyes filling with stars, and I enthusiastically told him just how much I love my MBP and why.  He asked if there were any problems and I said, “sure, there’s always going to be some amount of problems when you’ve got an advanced piece of technology in your hands, but in comparison?  Well, there is no comparison.”  Now, let’s just hope that the technology Gods don’t decide that I was a little too enthusiastic and confident and feel the need to take me down a couple of notches with a computer crash, eh? Now that would be tragic.  (Tech Gods, I meant well, I really did.)

Speaking of tragic, that was the challenge.  Some of you used the word, some of you changed it to tragedy, and some of you implied it in your writing.  This week my pick is the newcomer Jennifer, who doesn’t appear to have a blog, but left this powerful, heart-breaking, gem in the comments.


I am carrying his child. I go about my day gently, to protect our peanut. Today we relocate to a home bigger and better, but I do not carry, paint, lift, or climb. Zealously, and carefully, I do all I can to indulge Daddy-to-be.

With every piece of my being I shower love upon my husband. Joy enshrouds me when I serve him and baby. I love, worship, and adore him. He is my God. His affection is my sustenance.

Still, I know he despises me. He will leave after baby arrives.

I will then have only one to love.

In other words…

  • My second choice (a heart squeezer)
  • Vivid imagery from Night Blogger.
  • Surprise ending from newcomer Aurora.
  • A bride’s nightmare tranforms to humor.
  • Oh how we hold on- ninja style.
  • Nothing more tragic than the true story.

Just a heads up, I won’t be able to post next Wednesday as I’ll be on the road.  The roundup should be up by Thursday though.  This week’s word is from “A Confederacy of Dunces” by John Kennedy Toole. (If you’re new, go here)  The word is:


With love,