I received this email tonight (along with another 30 or so impersonal emails):

Kindly be informed that Late Engr. Lukas Jonas Würth made you a beneficiary

(bequested USD$20,100,000.00) in his WILL. Reply to this email:

barr.adamuk@______.com for estate execution. Legal partner take note.

Signed: K. A. Adam (Esq.)

I barely glanced at it before deleting it. There was a time when I would have first felt a surge of excitement. The gears in my brain would have been set into motion looking for connections, some way that this inheritance could possibly be true. Back then I still would have dismissed it after a few minutes of analyzing, but I long for that part of me that had the ability to believe it might be possible. That part of me that still believed in fairy tale endings. That part of me that believed in the goodness of the world. That part of me that believed the future was wide open and pliable to my wishes and demands. That part of me that saw adventure around the next corner. That part of me that believed in soul mates and real life heroes. If only I were still that younger, more naive version of myself.

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