One fantastic thing about where I live is that there is a LOT of live music every night of the week.  Last night I saw Unit 7, a local jazz funk band.  These guys so clearly have fun doing what they’re doing!  By the end of the night, almost everyone in the bar was clustered as close to the band as they could possibly get without being in their laps.  Everyone was dancing, everyone was smiling, and damn, I want that job of making people smile and dance!  I mean, maybe it was all the alcohol, or maybe it was the awesome high energy-jazzy-happy-fun musical stylings of this crazy group of fedora’d, funky, intelligentsia of music.

See them if you must, but I was hoping to claim them as my own personal property.  Yeah, they could live in my basement and I would feed them all the Lucky Charms they wanted.

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