Sitting in a cafe, pondering stuff, feeling the pulse of the place and realized it’s almost Tuesday and I haven’t written here in a few days.  There’s not much cohesive to write about but I could share a random sampling of tidbits.  Actually, there are a few posts brewing underground, but I’m not ready to write them yet.

Over the weekend, I watched Lord of the Rings on a big-screen TV at my friends house, drank toasted almonds, and generally had good times.  Since I myself don’t really watch TV, I rely on a few friends to make me watch what they find interesting.   It is at other people’s houses I’ve discovered shows like House, or Scrubs.  Just when I start to get addicted, I return home and it’s all over.  Whew.  Don’t ask me why.  I’m not adamantly anti-television or anything, it has just never struck me as something I want to spend time doing.  It’s happened more by accident that I’m without a television habit, but I must say I’m glad it’s worked out that way.

I also went to see a friend’s band, The Lowercase g’s.  I wish I had a website or a myspace profile to send you to, but alas, couldn’t find one.  They were awesome, even though it was a bit surreal to see these late 30-somethings rocking out Ludacris, and then Madonna in one set.  Don’t ask me how they do it, but they were working the magic!  Some dancing, some free food (courtesy of a friendly bartender), and lots of fun was had by all.

That does remind me though, a few weekends ago I had the pleasure of seeing the Alchemystics for the second time, and that band rocks in a way I can’t even define.   Being in the same room with their live music equals exponential amounts of good times.   If they play near you, I INSIST you go see them.  Understand?  You will not be disappointed.  They are also in competition for a record contract and need lots of support.  I think you can find info on their Myspace page.

And THAT reminds me.  What is it with grown people having the tackiest Myspace pages?  What’s worse, is that these designs often render the text on the page unreadable.  Why would you do that to your “friends”?  Really.  Why?  People, clean up your Myspace pages before I have to give you a good talking to.  None of us want that.

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