Titanic was on television this afternoon. I don’t watch much television, but I curled up under some blankets (4 to be exact), and watched it from beginning to end, complete with annoying commercials.

Hollywood flicks just aren’t usually my bag, but sometimes, sometimes I just like the sheer enormity of these movies. And I respect Kate Winslet. And, if I’m going to watch a movie about an epic historical event, I want to be overwhelmed and swept away and sucked in.

Anyway, point is, I cry every derned time I see this movie, imagining the panic setting in and the internal struggle each person must have gone through to choose between helping others and helping themselves. Then the scene where some of the passengers just accept that they’re going to die, and they try to face it with calm and dignity. Oh, that elderly couple clutching each other in bed…makes me weep. The many many images of the water rising, and thinking about dying by drowning and how that’s right up there in the top three of “ways I don’t want to die”.


For the record, I do NOT cry over romantic comedies…ever.

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