How did Wednesday get here so fast? Only six days until Christmas! That makes it time for the 100 Word Challenge round up.

JenChanges posted a sweet 100 words about her niece on Christmas morning here.

Larmsterpoet, creator of the new Woman Remodeled site, wrote 100 words on snow.

My hat’s off to Rocas who wrote a poem!

My 100 Words on Christmas Spirit can be found here. (or you could just scroll you know. If you need scroll training, drop me a line.)

I know Larmsterpoet is hot to write, so I’m passing the baton to her for the next challenge. Larmster chooses a topic, posts the guidelines (found here) on her blog (you can post just the topic in the comments here) and we’re off. Since next week is Christmas, the next challenge deadline will be Wednesday, January 2, 2009! Just think, a whole new year to break resolutions!

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