Introducing the Velvet Verbosity Note Card of the Month! In the age of blogs, email, text and instant messaging, handwritten notes and letters are more precious than ever. I spent a year away from most technology and during that time I wrote handwritten letters to family and friends. Many expressed how delighted they were to get “real” mail. Send 10 people the rare and precious gift of a handwritten note in the digital communication age.

I will be featuring a new note card each month to inspire you to put pen to paper and express your thoughts, your gratitude, and your love to the people in your life. December’s image is, yes, the familiar heart and cross image from my blog. Enjoy!

In the spirit of handwritten notes, try this wonderful idea from An Ordinary Mom for stocking stuffers. Just lovely.

**These note cards are set up on Cafe Press and this is my first experience working with them. Feedback, suggestions, and ideas would be much appreciated.

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