I am busy folks. Busy gathering together a list and images of Velvet Verbosity’s best gift ideas for the holiday 2007 season. Yes, I am one of THOSE PEOPLE. The kind of person who gets impossibly cheery at the very thought of wrapping up a special gift for someone. The kind of person who hums holiday carols before the turkey has even become a leftover. One of those people who will smile at you just because it’s the holiday season. A lover of trimmings, and wrappings, and twinkling lights, and traditions, and swelling hearts FULL OF THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT!!

(deep breath)

I am not, however, a lover of holiday stress or the fake smiles that accompany unwanted gifts. Therefore, Velvet Verbosity is compelled to share her ultra-hip, fabulous, won’t break the bank, holiday shopping list.

Wait for it. Wait for it.

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