My ambitious plans for NaBloPoMo and NaNoWriMo have been sabatoged by illness, a broken bone, but mostly by computer troubles.  My Mac recently crashed and the experts determined it was a hard drive failure.  So, I forked over the dough for a new hard drive only to find that my Mac was still misbehavin.  Tomorrow, my best pal goes back to the experts for some more diagnostics.  All I can say is, I’ll be really peeved if the hard drive was never the source of the problem.  Either way, it’s been a frustrating experience.

Still, the 100 Word Challenge MUST go on.  My pick this week (and it was a tough one this week) is from newcomer Mary. As always, I’m in awe when someone creates poetry from a prompt in exactly 100 words.

Silk Dress

“Come into my room

help me choose the dress.

Is it too morbid of me to ask?”

Your first choice a fuchsia dress

silk, long-sleeved, belted.

“Is it too garish for a funeral?”

You decided:

wear what you liked,

bright color a deliberate

counterpoint to your fading.

Final statement

by a legend of stylish dressing.

“Perfect choice, Mom.”

“Guess what? It’s a size 10!”

We laughed at your perverse

pleasure, loss of weight

even to cancer

size 10, even in your casket.

It had its intended effect.

Mourners said how lovely

your dress was, how so like you.

(Mary H. Warren in loving memory of Mary M. Harvey)

In other words:

  • Morty needs new material by LCeel.
  • An artist and his materials by Patsy.
  • Washed up by VonCookie.

That wraps up last week’s challenge.  If you are new to the 100 Word Challenge, go here.  The new challenge is from One Hundred Demons, by Lynda Barry.  Incidentally, this book was given to me by a good friend years ago, and I originally rejected it out of hand because it is a “comic”, but it has since become one of my most cherished books.


Now if you’ll excuse me, my computer needs some rest.

With love,