It’s day 13 of NaBloPoMo, and you’re realizing you don’t have as much to say as you thought you did.  Writing every day can be tough!  If you’re stuck, free-writing is one method to un-stick yourself and break through writer’s block.  Also referred to as stream-of-consciousness writing, a free write can unlock fresh ideas too.  Ideas you might not have known you even had.

This week’s prompt is THE THREE LITTLE PIGS.  Don’t think about it yet.  Set your timer for 15 minutes, and then GO!  Write non-stop for 15 minutes without stopping, no matter where the prompt takes you.  Stop immediately when the timer goes off.  No stopping, and no editing!  Now, if you’re brave, post it to your blog, and leave a comment here so we can find it!

Here’s a treat for you when you’re done.  It’s best not to watch it until after you’ve done your free-write.

Christopher Walken’s Rendition of The Three Little Pigs

With love,