Ah. November in New England. Bare trees against the backdrop of a low slate sky.

Ick! I hate November. There are only three things that redeem November in New England. It is the month I gave birth to a pretty cool human being, it is the month of Thanksgiving (i.e. homemade fatty comfort foods), and this Birch Tree Tote by feeldesign that somehow translates a bare tree against a gray sky with elegance, grace and style while leaving out the cold, bitter winds and depressing lack of sunshine. Who knew November could be so hip? I think I’ll just crawl inside this custom made tote and hibernate until Spring.

** Disclaimer – All items from Etsy that I choose to feature here are of my own finding. They are things I like, not things I will get a kickback on or a free gift of. No one has approached me asking me to review their product. Most importantly, I don’t always BUY these items (what, you think this blog is making me any MONEY?) This is just me, doing my part and sharing a little bit of what’s worth finding on the world WIDE web. No animals were harmed in the writing of this review, but an apple pie was relentlessly plucked apart and eaten.

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