Free writing, or “stream-of-consciousness” writing, is an interesting exercise that not only breaks through writer’s block, but often reveals thoughts and feelings on a topic we might not even be aware we had.  The point of a free write session is to not censor yourself.   You start with a prompt, and have no idea where it will end up.

Yesterday’s Thursday Thoreau quote inspired Pattiken to contrast Thoreau’s desire for simplicity with today’s modern technology and all the resulting “noise”.  Those of us in developed countries are merging with our machines and our relationships with them are becoming more dependent.  Have you ever seen the look of panic someone gets when they realize they’ve left their cell phone at home?  Or when their internet goes down for more than 30 seconds?  We are wired and connected, every waking hour of our day.  Is it for better or worse?  It depends on what aspect of our lives technology is affecting, and how.  But let me stop there, lest I defeat the purpose of a free-write.

The prompt is TECHNOLOGY.  Don’t think about it yet.  Set your timer for 15 minutes, and then GO!  Write non-stop for 15 minutes without stopping, no matter where the prompt takes you.  Stop immediately when the timer goes off.  No stopping, and no editing.  Now, if you’re brave, post it to your blog, and leave a comment here so we can find it!

Here’s a treat for you when you’re done, a video trailer of a documentary on the Singularity, what some people believe is next in technology.  It’s best not to watch it until after you’ve done your free-write.

The Singularity Documentary Trailer 

With love,