I don’t think I’ve ever heard commitment described so well as LouCeel does here:

It can be awfully lonely, being on the outside looking in. And as for your fear of ‘getting comfortable’, committing – Have you ever stood on the side of the pool, thinking to yourself “Man that water’s going to be cold” and you hesitated to jump in for fear of the shock to your system? But you got up the courage and jumped in and it wasn’t so bad – the jumping in – and once in, you didn’t want to get out?

That’s what it’s like, committing.

Who doesn’t enjoy the pool once in?  Ok, maybe if there are imported sharks in the water, or there’s an 8 year old with a mischievous gleam in his eye and a yellow watery halo around him.

Image: “Arial of Woman Diving from Diving Board” framed photographic print by Rick Raymond, found at www.art.com

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