Look what I found on Etsy this week! God, these are adorable.

Imagine how hip your fridge is going to look with these droplets of subtle colors and reflection holding up your kids’ artwork (or your own). These Fairy Drops Magnets would make wonderful gifts and for the price, you could fill 100 stockings with the little darlings. There are over 30 designs to choose from and they can be found at Aerie Fairy’s Etsy Shop. I corresponded with her to ask her how many were in a package (8-9 FYI). I assure you, she’s prompt and ridiculously friendly (that’s a good thing). Tell her I sent you, not because she’ll do me any favors, I just want her to know that good product combined with friendly service has its rewards.

** Disclaimer #1 – All items from Etsy that I choose to feature here are of my own finding. They are things I like, not things I will get a kickback on or a free gift of. This is just me, doing my part and sharing a little bit of what’s worth finding on the world WIDE web.

**Disclaimer #2 – I have just ordered my set of Fairy Drops Magnets so I cannot speak to the quality, speed of shipping, or anything else regarding the shipping and receipt of this product. I can tell you she has all positive reviews, and my correspondence with her was very positive. I will update this post when I receive my order.

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