I’ve Decided
I’m going to apply to Bennington College for the low residency MFA in writing. Oh, I feel free! / Digg this / Stumble this
Just another WordPress site
I’m going to apply to Bennington College for the low residency MFA in writing. Oh, I feel free! / Digg this / Stumble this
1. Forget to pay the utility bill and then act surprised when the computer won’t turn on in the morning. (For a double flunk, find a way to blame it on the children!) 2. Sleep through your alarm and get to work an hour and a half late. (For a… Continue Reading How to Flunk "Being a Grown Up 101"
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Dear young man, I know you like me. I notice the way you look at me when I come in, the way your heavy eyelids raise to reveal the light in your blue blue eyes, and how they send sparkles my way. You must know you are much much too… Continue Reading A Letter to Convenience Store Guy